Testing Recurring Payments
When integrating recurring payments, it’s essential to test a variety of scenarios to ensure the system can handle different decline responses effectively. Use the following amounts to simulate specific payment failures, allowing you to verify how your integration manages these cases and provides accurate feedback to customers.
Here are the test amounts and their corresponding status
and reason
Amount | Status | Reason |
101 | declined | generic_decline |
216 | declined | invalid_avs |
217 | declined | invalid_pin |
218 | declined | closed_account |
251 | declined | suspected_fraud |
301 | declined | insufficient_funds |
321 | declined | cardholder_cancellation |
323 | declined | restricted_card |
324 | declined | invalid_cvv |
325 | declined | expired_card |
402 | declined | lost_or_stolen |
Updated 14 days ago