Retrying Declined Direct Debits


When a Direct Debit transaction is declined, various factors, including insufficient funds in the customer's account, may contribute to the decline.

Acquired offers the flexibility to retry declined Direct Debit transactions, specifically when the failure is due to insufficient funds.

This information is communicated to your systems through the is_retryable boolean value which is returned in the collection_declined webhook event. You can also retrieve this value by querying the specific transaction through the GET /transactions/{transaction_id} endpoint.

After successfully making requests to this endpoint, Acquired will modify the transaction resource to reflect a pending status, as demonstrated in the provided example.

/transactions/{transaction_id}/retry request:

  "transaction": {
    "custom_data": "L3BheW1lbnQtbGlua3MgcGF5IGN1c3RvbV9kYXRh",
    "custom1": "string",
    "custom2": "string"


  "status": "pending",
  "transaction_id": "bd3fbbcd-411e-4760-8a9f-7af420d26314"

For more information on this process, please refer to our API reference guide.

Additionally, Acquired will initiate a collection_retried webhook event for the aforementioned action.

    "webhook_type": "collection_retried",
    "webhook_id": "298467ac-1f5e-4fad-bc5d-5874bd841df3",
    "timestamp": 32908394083,
    "webhook_body": {
        "transaction_id": "1d0483a7-6f84-4784-9fba-3c7553847be0",
        "status": "pending",
        "order_id": "12345"
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "/v1/transactions/29c05255-8905-f38f-1446-03f83de52d7c"
            "rel": "mandate",
            "href": "/v1/mandates/adb88e28-6731-4d1b-bfa4-6f2207c7cb44"
            "rel": "customer",
            "href": "/v1/customer/94c7e517-a06b-4abf-96c3-98e642c402ba"

The ensuing collection will follow the standard procedure for newly initiated transactions, so you will receive a collection_submitted webhook, followed by subsequent event notifications providing updates on the transactions status.

Any custom data supplied to this API endpoint will be stored against the collection creation event it causes.

Payments can be retried up to 5 times within a calendar month.