Cancel a Mandate
This endpoint allows you to terminate a mandate.
Only active
mandates are eligible for cancellation. Once a mandate has been cancelled, it cannot be reverted to an active
status, in this case a new mandate must be created.
Any custom data supplied to this endpoint will be stored against the resulting mandate cancellation event.
POST - /mandates/{mandate_id}/cancel
Example request:
"custom_data": "L3BheW1lbnQtbGlua3MgcGF5IGN1c3RvbV9kYXRh"
A successful request to this API endpoint will result in an HTTP Status Code of "200", with the mandate ID and its updated status echoed back in the response.
Example response:
"status": "cancelled",
"mandate_id": "4ebc5489-7b9f-4324-983e-07d4b2b00035"
Updated about 1 year ago