Steps to Go-Live


Before you go live there are important steps that you need to complete. Firstly, you must add the required IP addresses to the allowlist. Secondly, you must generate an access_token for the production environment.


For security purposes, we only support the Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2) protocol to authenticate and encrypt data securely.

In order to authorise access to the API, as well as generating an access_token, you must add the IP addresses that you will use to connect into's API into the Allowlist.



If you have dynamic IP addresses (i.e. not fixed), then you can bypass the requirement for adding the required IP addresses to the allowlist.

  1. Log into the Hub.
  2. Go to Settings > Allowlist.
  3. Click + Add IP Address.
  4. Enter the IP address and save.

You can add as many IP addresses as required by repeating the above process.

Any IP Addresses added to the Allowlist will be displayed. You can easily delete an entry by clicking on the ellipsis in the Action column and selecting Delete IP Address.



If you are performing any upgrades that could affect your IP address, for example, server upgrades, make sure that you add the new IP address to the Allowlist in the same way.

Generating access_tokens

When authenticating to the live API, you must use the production app_key and app_id values.

Make sure that you are using the production URL -

Follow the exact same steps as outlined in our Authentication guide.

Company-Id and Mid values

With, most businesses will have a single company account, and one or more Mid accounts within the company account. Mids are associated to a specific bank and there is always only one currency per Mid.

Usually you do not need to set these parameters in your requests. However for more complex integrations where you may be running multiple websites through the same account you will need to define the Company-Id (for the correct site) and possibly also the Mid (for the correct bank) if required.

These values can be retrieved from the Developers menu in the Reference IDs tab. This can be access through the Settings menu and selecting Developers. A list of all values will be displayed and can easily be copied from here.

Load balancing

Load balancing enables you to leverage the benefits of collaborating with multiple acquiring banks. It determines the transaction routing by specifying the appropriate Mid to which a transaction should be directed.

It can be utilised in two ways:

  1. Set up through Mids: In this approach, you specify the percentage splits between Mids and then this is configured in the Hub by our Support team. Load balancing will then automatically occur when a transaction request is submitted (without the need to specify a Mid value within your request).
  2. Specify Mid in request: Unlike the previous option, you will manually specify which Mid a transaction is routed to by submitting the required Mid value in the request.



If you have multiple companies set up, you will have to define the load balancing structure for each individual company.