
In the Acquired.com API certain statuses have a number of correlating reasons, that gives the developer more of an insight into what has occurred.

If the status is success, then a reason will not be returned. This is the same for the status error. You would receive this status when there is an internal server error, but this should not be a likely occurrence.

In the tables below you will see the reasons mapped to each status and an explanation into how to resolve the reason.

Status: declined

The declined reasons are indexed by most common occurring first.

insufficient_fundsThe account did not have sufficient funds to cover the transaction amount at the time of the transaction. (Subsequent attempts at a later date may be successful.)
generic_declineThe customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. The customer will need to contact their bank for more details regarding this generic decline.
closed_accountThe customer no longer has an account with the bank which they/you are trying to process the payment through. Please contact the customer and ask them to provide different payment details.
lost_or_stolenThe submitted card has expired or been reported lost and a new card has been issued. Reach out to your customer to obtain updated card information.
restricted_cardThe customer's card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
expired_cardThe card has either expired or the incorrect card expiry date was entered. The customer will need to either re-enter to the expiry date or use a different payment method.
suspected_fraudThe card used in this transaction has been flagged as fraudulent by the issuing bank. Please re-try the payment with a different card.
cardholder_cancellationThe cardholder has ordered their issuing bank to decline all future attempts by the merchant. Contact the customer and ask them to contact their bank to remove the block, update their billing details to a new card and cancel the user’s subscription.
invalid_cvvThe customer entered an invalid security code or made a typo in their card information. Request that the customer attempts the transaction again. If the decline persists, the customer will need to contact their bank.
invalid_pinThe pin code entered by the cardholder is incorrect.
invalid_avsThe address information added by the cardholder is incorrect.
soft_declineFor recurring payments, the merchant will need to re-tokenise the card, as the soft decline indicates that further action is required to successfully process the payment.

Status: blocked

The blocked status is configured by rules. Unless you are setting specific rules within the Acquired.com platform, you will not see these reasons.

The blocked reasons have a RAG status of low, medium or high, depending on how often these reasons are returned. (They have been sorted by highest occurring first.)

If you have any questions involving these reasons, such as, you want to configure or remove the rules set against a reason, please contact our support team.

6012_dataHighIf your MCC code is 6012, 6051 or 7299 you are required to pass through certain data fields in every request (customer_name, customer_dob and billing_zipcode), please ensure you are passing these values and re-try.
cardholder_cancelledHighThe customer requested a cancellation of a single transaction – reach out to them for more information.
bin_bankMediumA BIN filter configured on your account has blocked the transaction, in this case on a Bank level i.e. Natwest, Barclays etc.
blocklist_binMediumYou have attempted to process a card that is blocked on your account.
bin_schemeMediumA BIN filter configured on your account has blocked the transaction, in this case on a card type level.
bin_countryMediumA BIN filter configured on your account has blocked the transaction, in this case on a country level.
max_card_successMediumYou have reached the maximum number of authorised attempts to process against any single card and as a result has been rejected.
transaction_disputedMediumThe transaction has been disputed by the issuing bank.
max_card_attemptsLowYou have reached the maximum number of attempts against the card.
blocklist_emailLowThe customer’s email address attempted is on your blocklist.
blocklist_cardLowThe card number attempted is on your blocklist.
max_amount_monthLowThe maximum amount successfully processed for this month via this MID has been reached.
max_post_monthLowThe maximum number of posts against this MID for the month has been breached and any further transactions processed against this MID will be blocked.
max_amount_dayLowThe maximum amount permitted to be processed on a daily basis has been breached for this MID.
max_post_dayLowThe maximum number of posts permitted to be processed on a daily basis has been breached for this MID.
exceeds_max_amountLowThe maximum amount (per transaction) configured on this MID has been breached.
below_min_amountLowThe minimum amount (per transaction) configured on your MID has not been breached.
max_daily_refunds_countLowThe maximum number of refunds (per day) configured against this MID has been breached.
max_daily_refunds_amountLowThe maximum amount you can refund (per day) has been breached against this MID.
max_monthly_refunds_countLowThe maximum number of refunds you can process (per month) has been breached against this MID.
max_monthly_refunds_amountLowThe maximum amount you can refund (per month) has been breached against this MID.
below_min_refund_amountLowThe refund request is below the minimum amount set against this MID.
exceeds_max_refund_amountLowThe refund request exceeds the maximum amount that you can process.
max_ip_dayLowThe maximum number of posts (per day) from the same IP address has been breached against this MID.
max_ip_monthLowThe maximum number of posts (per month) from the same IP address has been breached against this MID.
max_email_dayLowThe maximum number of posts (per day) from the same email address has been breached against this MID.
max_email_monthLowThe maximum number of posts (per month) from the same email address has been breached against this MID.
max_phone_dayLowThe maximum number of posts (per day) from the same phone number has been breached against this MID.
max_phone_monthLowThe maximum number of posts (per month) from the same phone number has been breached against this MID.
card_not_activeLowThe card that has processed the payment is not set as active on the account.
blocklist_phoneLowThe customer’s phone number attempted is on your blocklist.
blocklist_ipLowThe customer’s IP address attempted is on your blocklist.
fraud_scoringLowAuthorisation request has been rejected by your fraud solution.
fraud_scoring_errorLowYou have attempted to process a card that is blocked on your account.
max_refunds_countLowBased on your configuration, you have processed the maximum number of refunds.
transaction_fraudLowThe transaction has been flagged as potentially fraudulent by the issuing bank.
exceeds_max_transactionsLowThe transaction request has exceeded the maximum value.
max_card_successLowYou have reached the maximum number of authorised attempts to process against any single card.
bin_levelLowA BIN filter configured on your account has blocked the transaction, in this case on a card level i.e. prepaid, corporate etc.
bin_productLowA BIN filter configured on your account has blocked the transaction, in this case on a card product level, i.e. consumer.

EMV 3DS Reasons

Status: tds_error

acs_technical_issueThere was a technical issue after the cardholder completed the challenge, please try again.
bad_gatewayWe have encountered a technical issue, please try again.

Status: tds_expired

challenge_time_outThe session has expired because the cardholder did not complete the challenge presented by their issuing bank.

Status: tds_failed

challenge_not_completedThe cardholder did not complete the challenge presented by their issuing bank.
card_authentication_failedThe cardholder was not challenged and authentication has failed.
challenge_failedThe cardholder failed the challenge presented by their issuing bank.
challenge_limit_exceededThe cardholder has exceeded the number of challenges their issuing bank will allow at this time, please try again.
no_card_recordThe card number is not recognised by the issuing bank, please check the card details and try again.
transaction_not_permitted_to_cardholderThe issuing bank does not permit the cardholder to complete this type of transaction
suspected_fraudThis transaction is suspected to be fraudulent.
security_failureThe cardholder's issuing bank has encountered a security error, please try again.
scheme_status_reasonAuthentication has failed due to a reason determined by the card scheme
low_confidenceThe cardholder's issuing bank does not have confidence to approve the transaction at this time.
invalid_card_numberThe cardholder has entered an invalid card number.
expired_cardThe card has either expired or the incorrect card expiry date was entered. The customer will need to either re-enter to the expiry date or use a different payment method.
invalid_transactionThe cardholder's issuing bank will not authenticate the transaction at this time, please try again.
exceeds_authentication_frequency_limitThe cardholder has reached their authentication limit set by their issuing bank at this time.
medium_confidenceThe cardholder's issuing bank does not have enough confidence to approve the transaction at this time.