
Release 14/05/2024

Version: 2024.05.14.1

Date: 14.05.2024

What's included?

  • Enhancing our Payment Links solution
  • Virtual Terminal enhancements
  • Support Network Tokens for Cashflows
  • Dispute email alerts
  • Bug fixes:
    • Incorrect scheme wording
    • Fixed webhooks not being delivered issue (QA)
    • LogLevel bug in Components
    • Show active currencies in list
    • 3-D Secure data on failed transactions
    • Direct Debit Mandates webhooks
    • Hosted Checkout redirect

Enhancing our Payment Links solution

This release brings significant enhancements to our Payment Links solution, designed to provide even more flexibility and functionality for merchants. With this update, merchants can now seamlessly associate payment links with customers and also store card details for returning or recurring transactions.

This means that merchants can link payment links directly to specific customers, streamlining the payment process and enhancing the overall customer experience. Whether it's for new customers joining the platform, existing customers making repeat purchases, or updated customer profiles, merchants now have the ability to tailor their payment links accordingly. New customers can now be created from within the Customers tab in the Hub, including the population of the shipping and billing details.

Furthermore, this update also enables merchants to securely store customer card details for future recurring or returning payments, mirroring the functionality available in our Hosted Checkout solution. This feature empowers merchants to offer a more convenient and streamlined payment experience for their customers, while also ensuring the security and integrity of their payment data.

Virtual Terminal enhancements

As well as associating Payment Links with customers, we have also released an enhancement to allow Virtual Terminal transactions to be associated to a customer, offering greater flexibility and customisation in their transaction management.

This enhancement enables merchants to associate Virtual Terminal transactions with various customer profiles, including existing, new, and updated customers. By linking transactions directly to customer profiles, merchants can streamline their transaction processes and provide a more personalised experience for their customers.

Support Network Tokens for Cashflows

We've recently made adjustments to our authorisation requests to accommodate network tokens processed, enabling seamless support with Cashflows.

Dispute email alerts

We have now added the ability to configure email alerts to be sent for disputes (if enabled) in the following situations:

  • New Disputes
  • Disputes Expiring
  • Disputes Expired

Bug fixes

  1. Incorrect scheme wording:

There was an issue where scheme:mastercard was returning as mc in the transaction endpoint, this has now been updated to mastercard.

  1. Fixed webhooks not being delivered issue (QA):

An issue has been resolved where multiple webhooks were not being sent in QA, this was raised by a number of merchants.

  1. LogLevel bug in Components:

We have resolved a bug where there was an issue with loglevels in Components.

  1. Show active currencies in list:

We have added a fix so all active currencies are displayed in the currency list when processing invoices.

  1. 3-D Secure data on failed transactions:

3DS data was missing when a transaction had failed, this has now been resolved.

  1. Direct Debit Mandates webhooks:

DD mandate webhooks were incorrectly processing. This has now been resolved.

  1. Hosted Checkout redirect:

There was an issue where the payment outcome was not redirecting in Hosted Checkout after a Pay by Bank transaction. There was also an issue where the redirect URL was displaying the acquired redirect rather than the merchants when the configuration was correct. Both of these issues have now been resolved.