
Release 09/07/2024

Version: 2024.07.09.1

Date: 09.07.2024

What's included?

  • Payment Links: Supporting multiple currencies
  • Update BIN block error messages on Components
  • Fraud webhooks - REST API
  • Acquirer Mid number displayed in the Hub
  • Issue with Authorisation Requests Using Components
  • Bug fixes:
    • ISO Managers couldn't see transactions
    • AMEX in TNS settlement files
    • Virtual Terminal bug
    • Shift4 apostrophe error
    • Creating customers across companies (Payment Links)
    • Google Pay 3DS issue
    • Invoice download error

Payment Links: Supporting multiple currencies

Merchants processing transactions in multiple currencies can now generate payment links from the Hub for each currency they have MIDs for, allowing them to collect payments across all parts of their business. If a merchant’s company has MIDs in multiple currencies, selecting the company in the payment links or virtual terminal form will display all available currencies in the currency dropdown menu. This enhancement streamlines the payment process, ensuring merchants can efficiently manage multi-currency transactions.

Update BIN block error messages on Components

We have updated the BIN block error messaging for Components to match the style of other error messages by removing pronouns.

Fraud webhooks - REST API

We have expanded the capabilities of the Rest API by introducing new webhooks:

  • dispute_new: Triggered when a new dispute is raised.
  • fraud_new: Triggered when a new fraud alert is raised.

These webhooks follow our webhook v2 structure and enhance our ability to provide real-time notifications for disputes and fraud alerts.

Acquirer Mid number displayed in the Hub

As part of our External Service Desk project, we have refined the Request for Change process for Trust Payments. Consequently, the Acquirer MID number now needs to be displayed in the Hub for merchants to access. This information can be found under Settings > MIDs, where it is displayed as a column.

Issue with authorisation requests using Components

We have resolved an issue that affected authorisation requests using the Components solution with the cardCvv component. Previously, when retrieving displayed stored card_ids, users selected a card, and entered their CVV to complete a payment, the transactions were not being flagged correctly as REUSE within the CORE API. This caused errors from Trust Payments because the transactions were incorrectly set

Now, when transactions are processed using a previously stored card_id and CVV, they are correctly flagged as REUSE in the CORE API and identified as Returning Customers in the REST API. This ensures proper handling and reduces errors from Trust Payments.

Bug fixes

  1. ISO managers couldn't see all transactions:

We have resolved an issue where ISO Managers couldn’t see both Core and REST transaction lists if multiple ISO merchants have integrated across the different APIs.

  1. Virtual Terminal bug:

There was an issue where multiple authorisations were processed when pressing submit on the Virtual Terminal multiple times, this has now been resolved

  1. Shift4 apostrophe error:

We have updated our logic to strip out any apostrophes when sending authorisation requests to Shift4 as this is not one of their accepted characters.

  1. Adding multiple emails to invoices:

We have resolved an issue where the Hub would not allow you to add multiple email addresses to an invoice.

  1. Creating customers across companies (Payment Links):

An issue was raised which meant that customers were not being created under the correct Company in Payment Links.

  1. Invoice download error:

There was a bug that was not allowing users to download invoices from within the Hub, this has now been resolved.